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w(high) heels

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I am intrigued by how the notion of post-Jungian "autonomous psyche" manifests in everyday human interaction, and how conditions impact our subconscious behaviours and social mores, often over-riding our conscious sensibilities. Fascinated by findings from a wide range of social and psychological research about shoes, proving that they are key signifiers of human identities on most of the planet. I sought to find visual ways to express this situation. HEELS, the zine shows where the research went. Have a browse through if your interest is piqued.

A 2.3M pillar relief sculpture of killer heel silhouettes, a sculpture of hundreds of heels, lots of printmaking, & a video about body shape changes with and without heels were some of the artworks created in response to the heels phenomenon                                                                                                                      Copyright 2024  Susie Kelly aka Susie CK All Rights Reserved

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